16 Salient Features Of Premium Helpdesk Software


“The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary.”
– Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart

The rule of thumb for any business is to keep clients happy, always!

Nowadays, quality products are not the only factor in boosting customer loyalty; top-quality service has become the true brand differentiator.

As a business owner, you know how important it is to offer clients dependable service. However, managing queuing requests, addressing inquiries, and resolving problems becomes immensely complicated if you try to do everything manually. This is where Helpdesk Software comes into the picture, facilitating end-to-end automation. 

What is a helpdesk?

Helpdesk is a ticket management system that allows enterprise brands to implement effective and efficient workflows in a customer service process. The solution enables service managers to keep track of tickets raised by users, attend to them, reassign them to the appropriate department or support experts, and generate reports on the overall performance.

ThinkOwl, the AI-powered complete customer support solution

ThinkOwl is a cloud-based platform that leverages intelligent technologies to improve customer and agent experiences. The solution comes with a gamut of features and functionalities which help businesses streamline customer service operations. In addition, an AI-powered engine backs the system assisting agents in taking smart actions throughout the service process.



You might be aware of the effectiveness of customer service software. However, highlighting its essential features will help you gauge the value proposition a helpdesk offers. For example, it enables you to minimize operating costs, increase the productivity of service agents, improve ROI, resolve tickets faster, and, most importantly, enrich customer experiences (CX).

Also Read: AI Helpdesk Software is The Backbone of Service Companies. Know Why!

Let us delve into some of the key features of theThinkOwl Helpdesk Software.

1. Tickets Management

Tickets management is the process support centers adopt to handle, route, and resolve customer inquiries or complaints, followed by a meaningful resolution. This feature helps to automatically assign the right cases to the right agents at the right time with all additional information.
Once a customer submits a support request, it gets transformed into cases in ThinkOwl. Here, the powerful AI engine comes into action where cases are automatically assigned a category minimizing the manual effort of sorting tickets. The overall mechanism makes the job easier to register, organize, prioritize, and resolve support tickets faster.

Benefits: Proper resolution of tickets results in better customer satisfaction, thereby enhancing brand loyalty.

2. Multichannel Support

Well-organized contact centers offer multichannel support. It is a strategy of using different communication channels for customers to reach a business. Ideally, companies today allow channels like email, chats, social media, phone calls, etc., to engage, communicate and interact with users. With these options, ThinkOwl also offers a Centralized Inbox that stores all customer tickets floating in from various channels.

Benefits: Intelligently manage all customer dialogs with one software; Facilitate customers to contact the business via the platforms they currently use.

3. Workflow Automation

Every process has a workflow. Usually, workflows are filled with manual tasks that are time-consuming, error-prone, and expensive. Workflow Automation aids in creating, tracking, and automating routine workflows to boost efficiency and accuracy, helping reduce mundane or repetitive tasks. ThinkOwl leverages advanced technologies such as natural language processing (NLP) and business process modeling (BPMN) to automate and manage processes in customer service.

Benefits: No programming needed. Simply define the tasks and rules for service processes. Then, the system will automatically perform the desired actions based on the set conditions.

4. Customization & Integration

With the advent of advanced technologies, software applications are now made scalable to meet clients‘ requirements. ThinkOwl is built with robust technology, where you can implement additional functionalities quite easily. Furthermore, with a 100% customizable solution, companies can properly use the application aligned with their business goals. Also, the solution can be integrated with third-party applications, enabling you to manage everything with a single software by fetching or exporting data back and forth between applications.

Benefits: Establish a service process most suitable for your business; Integrate various applications into your service desk software. Modify the platform pertaining to your requirements.

5. Knowledge Base

Knowledge Management is an embedded module of quality helpdesk software. Companies use these tools to share information internally (for service agents) and externally (for customer self-service). It contains helpful resources such as user guides, videos, knowledge articles, and other useful information that agents and customers can refer to. With ThinkOwl, you can also create and run your branded customer self-service portal that enables your customer to find answers or necessary information in just a few mouse clicks.

Benefits: Run your portal on autopilot; Serve your customers and agents with the correct answers; Fewer inquiries to manually deal with.

6. Data Security

Data Security is a significant concern for many businesses where unknown forces always strive to make unexpected ventures into sensitive information. Thus, ThinkOwl takes ultimate measures to ensure the software is constantly updated with the latest security patches. Multi-layered security measures protect the data centers; the servers are compliant with standard security protocols where comprehensive audits of the application are conducted regularly.

Benefits: Customer data and business data remain safe, always!

7. Analytics & Reports

With advanced reporting tools, organizations gain reliable and factual information and can make data-driven decisions, keeping guesswork at bay. ThinkOwl’s Discover technology uses AI to capture your customers’ topics to visualize specific customer issues. It automatically analyzes key performance indicators (KPI) and enables you to create dashboards and analytics designed for particular topics and contents.

Benefits: Measure data, render reports on key metrics, understand your customer relations, and keep track of your service levels and overall performance.

8. Customer Satisfaction Survey

Nowadays, clients demand a good experience. So a business needs to find out whether their clients are satisfied. ThinkOwl introduces an exciting new tool called Satisfaction Survey. It helps companies gather feedback from clients, drive improvements across the customer journey, and assist in measuring their level of satisfaction.

Benefits: ThinkOwl’s survey displays the output of all client feedback. Based on these reports, you can Analyze, Act, and Improve your team's service efficiency!

9. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence is mandatory if you wish to introduce a more efficient and streamlined workflow to a service process. Artificial Intelligence (AI) takes on complex issues with human-like problem solving capability. ThinkOwl leverages the power of machine learning to analyze and understand the content of every customer message and relieves your employees of ever-repeating actions and processes. In practice, this means – up to 80% of cases are automatically routed to the right expert at the right time; up to 95% of cases, the data required for processing gets populated into input tasks.

Benefits: Automatically trigger recurring routine tasks; Provide intelligent suggestions to the support agents to resolve tickets faster.

10. Productivity Tools

The real purpose of implementing helpdesk software is to establish a seamless customer service process. This means, the ability to perform more tasks with less workforce. ThinkOwl thus provides a gamut of productivity tools that comprise Automatic Categorization of tickets; Dispatcher Rules that decide what happens when a new case is created; Event Triggers that determine what happens when any changes in a case are made, scenarios that perform a series of actions on-demand; Guided Mode that automatically assigns tickets to the specified agents one after another other, based on several factors like status, priority, SLA of the case; along with other time-based automation.

Benefits: Support agents become more productive. Operating costs get reduced. A balanced workload leads to a happier team!

Also Read: Dispatcher AI — an Advanced Feature in ThinkOwl to Auto-categorize Customer Tickets

Now, let us explore some of the Bonus Features:

  • Virtual Customer Assistant – ThinkOwl offers tools that partially fill the role of a live agent. For example, the Chatbot tool by ThinkOwl helps define the flow of a conversation by understanding the intent and deciding the behavior of the chat widget for web visitors with contextual responses. Simply put, it is a FAQ-answering machine, which comes with autocomplete and automatically suggested phrases that can intelligently guide customers to fetch any information.

  • Email Management Tool – ThinkOwl offers an interesting email management tool that helps you group, assign, and search emails – all in one place. The solution categorizes the emails intelligently and transfers them to suitable service agents using its built-in AI engine.

  • Multi Linguistic Interface – ThinkOwl supports a multi-language user interface that facilitates easy usability by businesses across the globe based on their native language.

  • User Role Management – System administrators can define the functions that a user can access in ThinkOwl. While you add user accounts, you can create their roles to meet your users' permission requirements and manage the functions that a user can access.

  • Task Management – Tasks are actionable items that are associated with cases. The Tasks module portrays all case-related activities users may need to resolve issues successfully. It involves planning, tracking, and reporting, which help agents achieve goals.

  • Content Tools – ThinkOwl offers multiple content tools such as smart responses that act as predetermined standard responses to common questions, customizable email message templates, case forms, and more. The content tools support service agents with intelligent responses, and customizable fields to collect critical customer data.

  • AI Wizard – ThinkOwl’s AI Wizard is built to deploy intelligent mechanisms to handle customer cases and supercharge customer support. AI Wizard observes how your team resolves cases and learns from their decisions. Then, after watching multiple cases being handled by the agents, the AI Wizard provides intelligent suggestions for efficient case management.

The feature list of ThinkOwl does not end here. There are many other valuable modules and their functionalities.

For more details, check out the complete list of ThinkOwl features.

With ThinkOwl, you can resolve customer queries faster and more consistently, facilitating the handling of increasing case volumes without adding extra staff. The best part – ThinkOwl analyzes the data and provides advanced reports that enable users to get real-time insight into operations via crucial performance metrics across topics, teams, and channels.

So, it is time to empower your service team with an intelligent solution, i.e., ThinkOwl, the win-win platform for service agents and customers!

Feel free to register for a 30-day free trial to dig deep into the system.


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