It's right here! ThinkOwl - the Zendesk alternative that suits your needs.
Hassle-free set up. Just-for-you configuration
Get support for configuring your ThinkOwl helpdesk – in just 5 days.
Big league tools. Now for businesses of all sizes
ThinkOwl makes AI technology in the helpdesk accessible to all – small, medium, or large businesses.
ThinkOwl operates in multiple support channels, making it easy for your support agents to provide consistently awesome service, wherever your customers reach out.
Our AI-powered system watches and learns from every case. Agents get better suggestions and solutions every day. And over time, you get a birds-eye view of all your customer data.
Makes sense: If you have to increase customer satisfaction, you need to know your customers. ThinkOwl's advanced analytics and reporting tool – Discover, uses AI to analyze customers' topics and moods.
What's more, you'll spot changes and can immediately take action when things go out of hand.