Workflow automation for Conversation Bot using the BPMN tool

    Control all customer-based processes via workflow automation with OwlForce. For example, you can precisely define the tasks for the conversation bot using our workflow tool. With BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation), you can define all customer processes quickly, seamlessly, and across channels.

    Workflow for Conversation Bot
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    Workflow Automation Conversation Bot

    Manage processes centrally

    Effortlessly streamline and manage work steps for processes and customer dialogue actions using intelligent digital workflows. Particularly beneficial for the Conversation Bot's cross-channel activities, this can be quickly and easily configured with BPMN, even without programming expertise.
    Intelligent Owl
    Modeling Processes with BPMN
    Conversation Bot

    Benefits of workflow automation

    Precise Control
    Precise control
    BPMN provides precise management and control of conversational AI, guiding the process from the initial customer query to the ultimate resolution. Every stage is meticulously outlined to enhance and streamline the interaction.
    Increasing Efficiency
    Increasing efficiency
    By automating processes, you can optimize and standardize workflows. Manual tasks are eliminated or reduced to a minimum.
    Real Time Adjustment
    Real-time adjustment
    Address customer needs and adapt to market changes. Utilize BPMN-driven automation to swiftly make adjustments without disrupting ongoing operations.