Intelligent data extraction to capture information

    Automatically and accurately extract relevant content from documents, emails, and forms. OwlForce provides a distinctive, proven process for the automatic extraction of specialized data from documents and texts of any format and structure.

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    Data Extraction

    AI-based data extraction increases efficiency

    Traditional document data extraction methods only identify a fraction of the specialized data within the process entry. A significant portion of technical and personal information from emails, documents, and the web is manually copied or typed, resulting in increased costs and processing delays. That's why you should rely on our AI-based data extraction!

    Owl Bot
    Precision Across All Data Sources
    Optimal Accessibility

    Advantages of automated data extraction

    Real-time Analysis
    Real-time analysis
    AI-based data extraction analyzes large amounts of text in real time, which is crucial for business success in dynamic market situations. Best for quick decision-making processes.
    AI-powered data extraction reduces errors and improves the accuracy of extracted information.
    Time and Cost Saving
    Time and cost saving
    Automation enables many new processes. The time and costs for manual data analysis and collection are significantly reduced.
    Our AI-based data extraction gets better as the amount of data increases. You can easily scale to large amounts of data. An economically important success factor.
    Optimal Customer Dialogues
    Optimal customer dialogues
    By leveraging customer information obtained from emails or social media, you can enhance your understanding of customers and respond to inquiries largely through automated processes.
    Automated extraction and analysis of data from corporate documents facilitate the monitoring of regulatory compliance and enhance risk management practices.