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Soumyadeep Roy

Soumyadeep Roy

Soumyadeep is a content strategist, content marketer and brand storyteller at ThinkOwl. A communications professional, he believes in creating content that is at the intersection of great marketing ideas and tech solutions. Focusing on Customer Experience, Soumyadeep takes a detailed look at technology to create lively, meaningful stories and analysis, making content indispensable for new age marketers, thought leaders and strategists.

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Helpful Tips To Map Your Customer Journey Correctly

In our previous article, we discussed how to create a customer journey. From awareness, consideration, conversion, retention, and advocacy, journey maps document the user’s journey through your product/service. It resembles a storyboard and maps your user’s journey through different stages and emotions. Read the article here.


Customer Journey Mapping Is The Way To Your Customer’s Heart

Predicting a customer journey, also known as customer journey mapping, is a fascinating process. If you are a business owner, you must have encountered surprise visitors (first-time website visitors for online businesses and new walk-ins for brick-and-mortar establishments). It’s a wonderful feeling if these visitors become your customers. Isn’t it? Can you visualize that process? Visitors, or people without idea who you are, become aware of you and your brand’s existence.


How To Ensure Complete Customer Success With Customer Education

To deliver winning customer outcomes at scale, you need to improve product adoption, reduce customer churn, and drive account expansions with best-in-class predictive insights and prescriptive guidance. This blog is for you if you believe in providing value and think that customer success is more of a calling than just a job.

In this article, we explain how to provide trusted, top-rated customer success with a detailed customer education program that can help clients besides creating a fulfilling and positive experience for all customer-facing teams.


Why Customer Satisfaction Scores Are Crucial To Boost Sales And Marketing

Customer service can be incredibly complex and stressful. Giving customers the best possible support experience entails knowing what customers want. Measuring pan-organizational performance and customer satisfaction metrics pave the way for you to deliver what’s best for your customers. This behavior is common to all types of organizations that have their customers' benefits at heart. How can organizations achieve this feat? Through support-driven growth.


Legacy Software Foments Trouble In Customer Service; Consider Replacing To Avoid Complications

Customer service is not a cakewalk. It is a difficult job and serves as the backbone of businesses. A balance between offering a great product and providing exceptional service is the sweet spot that allows a brand to grow, and earn the best return on investment (ROI).


Agent Experience Matters — Here's Why You Should Pay Attention To It

Companies exert a great deal of effort to deliver the best possible experience to customers. The idea is to create or provide an environment where customers feel at home, where they are pulled by the brand with pleasing thoughts, or where they are made to feel special. Happy customers mean more business, that's the thought.


Why Customer Service Is Integral To New-Age Marketing Strategies

Marketing is fine. But why should businesses strategize their marketing efforts?

Let’s start with the basics first. If you are a business owner, you are trying to tell the world what you have to offer (your product) and how it will benefit people. Marketing attracts potential clients, and if they like what you have to offer, they eventually pay you to own/use your product — thus becoming your customers.


Role Of Data And Analytics In Improving Customer Engagement

Data is a priceless asset for businesses. It has always been around, but perhaps people realized its overwhelming significance in the last decade. Researchers, data analysts, and scientists — in fact, anybody who works with data unanimously agrees that procuring and using accurate data is not easy. But that does not deter people from using it.

In every aspect of our lives, we give and take a lot of information. We work with data when going about our duties, performing tasks, or doing any activity. We may not realize it, but a lot of information exchange occurs. Human beings work with data on a macro as well as micro-level. It is no surprise that data is referred to as the oil of the 21st century. Companies that do not use data and analytics will not be able to survive.


A Profitable Business Is A Customer Centric Business. Here’s Why!

Entrepreneurs and business owners are well aware that customers are important for business. But how and where customers are placed in the entire organization’s structure can tell us a lot about its future. Irrespective of past and present performance, if a company is not customer-centric, it doesn’t have a future.

What is the meaning of being customer-centric?

The term customer-centric means keeping clients at the focal point of your venture. If you look at the structure of an atom, it has a nucleus, and electrons revolve around it. The nucleus, in this case, is the client, and all business functions, including support, are the electrons. This is the ideal structure of an organization. Creating a customer-centric business pays rich dividends.